Absolute Mean Graceful Labeling in Path Union of Various Graphs


  • V J Kaneria Department of Mathematics, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, 360005,Gujarat, India
  • H P Chudasama Government Polytechnic, Rajkot, 360003, Gujarat, India
  • P P Andharia MRT and MSV Science college, Kaliyabid, Bhavnagar, 364002,Gujarat, India




Absolute mean graceful labeling.


Present paper aims to focus on absolute mean graceful labeling in path union of various graphs. We proved path union of graphs like tree, path Pn, cycle Cn, complete bipartite graph Km, n, grid graph PM × Pn, step grid graph Stn and double step grid graph DStn are absolute mean graceful graphs.


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How to Cite

V J Kaneria, H P Chudasama, and P P Andharia. 2018. “Absolute Mean Graceful Labeling in Path Union of Various Graphs”. Mathematical Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences 7 (1):51-56. https://doi.org/10.15415/mjis.2018.71008.


