Binet – Type Formula For The Sequence of Tetranacci Numbers by Alternate Methods


  • Gautam S. Hathiwala C.K. Pithawala College of Enigneering & Technology, Surat.
  • Devbhadra V. Shah Department of Mathematics, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat.



Binet formula, Fibonacci sequence, Tetranacci sequence


The sequence {Tn} of Tetranacci numbers is defined by recurrence relation Tn= Tn-1 + Tn-2 + Tn-3 + Tn-4; n≥4 with initial condition T0=T1=T2=0 and T3=1. In this Paper, we obtain the explicit formulla-Binet-type formula for Tn by two different methods. We use the concept of Eigen decomposition as well as of generating functions to obtain the result.


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How to Cite

Gautam S. Hathiwala, and Devbhadra V. Shah. 2019. “Binet – Type Formula For The Sequence of Tetranacci Numbers by Alternate Methods”. Mathematical Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences 6 (1):37-48.


