Collapsible and Spiky Wave for Dust Acoustic Waves in Dusty Plasmas


  • Ranjit K Kalita Department of Mathematics, Morigaon College, Morigaon-782105, Assam, India
  • Jnanjyoti Sarma Departments of Mathematics, RG Baruah College, Guwahati-781025, Assam, India



Energy equation, Collapsible Wave, Breakable Wave, Spiky and Explosive Mode, Sagdeev Potential


In multicomponent dusty plasma, the Sagdeev Potential (SP) approach is employed to formulate the Energy Equation for arbitrary amplitude dust acoustic waves (DAWs), where an amount of electrons is trapped in potential well. The dependence of amplitude and width of the solitons of Sagdeev Potential on plasma parameters is widely discussed. The range of Mach number has determined for solitary waves (SWs) with the help of critical Mach number. The solution of the Energy Equation obtained, has been discussed by expanding the expression for SP in the higher terms of φ . The different solutions of Energy Equation give us SWs, breakable waves, collapsible waves and SWs with spiky and explosive nature. The role of temperature ratio on the transformation of SWs to collapsible waves is discussed. With the help of standard values of plasma parameters relevant to such plasma environment, the results so obtained, are discussed. These results may help us to explain the nature of SWs in different astrophysical situations.


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How to Cite

Ranjit K Kalita, and Jnanjyoti Sarma. 2019. “Collapsible and Spiky Wave for Dust Acoustic Waves in Dusty Plasmas”. Mathematical Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences 7 (2):81-92.


