A New Attempt to Construct the Laplace Operator on Fractals


  • Krzysztof Drachal Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science at the Warsaw University of Technology ul. Koszykowa 75, 00 – 662 Warszawa, Poland




fractals, Laplace operator on fractals, laplacian on fractals, analysisonfractals, geometricobjectsonfractals, differential spaces


One of the most important topics in the analysis of fractals is to construct the Laplacian. But this is actually a particular case of a wider problem – to construct geometrical objects on fractals. Currently, studied methods sometimes lead to difficult problems, require wide knowledge from different branches of mathematics or does not lead to
any strict computational methods, which could be easily applied for example in engineering. In this paper, a new attempt is presented. Fractals are treated like objects from so-called differential spaces, i.e. broader category than manifolds. The usefulness of differential spaces is shown in particular fractal situations when one studies some „weird” subsets of n, which are not manifolds themselves.


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How to Cite

Krzysztof Drachal. 2014. “A New Attempt to Construct the Laplace Operator on Fractals”. Mathematical Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences 2 (2):171-77. https://doi.org/10.15415/mjis.2014.22013.


